Is it True? How to Overcome Negative Thinking?
Did you know we can have 60,000 thoughts a day!
The mind is so powerful and so are our thoughts. They can spring forth life or death. When a negative thought arises, I encourage practicing replacing it with a positive one.
Maybe you speak or think negative about yourself, a family/friend or even someone you come in contact with. Instead, flip the switch and think about what is positive about you and that person.
How do we renew the mind and create new healthy habits to our thinking?
Question the thought against Scripture. What does God say?
Remember, a thought is just a thought. It does not mean that it is true.
I had a counselor suggest to me to acknowledge the thought but don’t ruminate over it. As the song goes “Let it go, Let it go, Let it go”.
Retraining the brain takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself.
Be sure to honor your mind by eating healthy, taking breaks from the internet and guarding your mind from unhealthy things. (News, too much social media and even negative movies/music. etc)
If you begin to go down a negative spiral because of thoughts, practice the pause or stop method. (Sometimes even physically putting up a hand helps to stop the negative spiral)
Listen to worship music and practice gratitude journaling
Practice self-care; good sleep hygiene, proper foods, and exercise. When we are tired, we are more like to battle negative thoughts.
Stay in community with others. Avoid isolation as this can cause extreme mental health issues.
Seek prayer and counseling during times distress, anxiety, grief, and depression.
What tips do you have? Comment below!~
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
Lisa Hice