Butterfly Testimony: My Story

As I look back on my life, I see the transformative work of Jesus bringing me out of the old and into the new. It is almost as though Jesus is writing my life story to resemble the emerging of a butterfly from its caterpillar-ish obscurity to fluttering glory.

I have lived and can testify to the truth of Paul’s words that, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

If you take one thing away from story, let it be this: Through Jesus the old in you is gone and the new has come! You may feel lost or worthless or rejected or maybe just weighed down by mistakes and regrets, but with there is a Jesus who never rejects! He accepts and welcomes His children with open arms.

Growing up, I was raised in a Christian household. I attended church and Sunday school. I was baptized at a young age and attended fun events and camps. Then, during high school and beginning of college, I began to slowly step away to pursue the high life. Boy did I ever! I moved to the sin city of Las Vegas. There I attended
college and began living and pursuing a life of partying, money, materialism.

This life continued over the next 10 years. I had
it all: money, a house, car, boat and so much more. LIFE WAS
GREAT! So I thought.  Then the unthinkable happened! At 30 years old, my life slowly began to crumble. I lost a job with a six figure income, was so broke I had to sell all my possessions including my home. Plus, I lost several friend, and a recent relationship had ended.   I felt so lost, hopeless, unworthy, and so unloved.  I was ready for a change but had no clue what that meant.

Then something very dramatic happened.  I felt this very strong nudge
and desire in my heart.  I tried to push it away or distract myself by
being busy but it refused to go away.  That desire was to begin to talk to
God, pray, and go back to church.  I hadn’t attended church much besides
the random Easter or Christmas service. The thought of talking to God or going
back to church seemed very overwhelming and intimidating.  Why
would God want to talk to me?  Would he reject me? I was sure that in no way would He want to love or accept me. What about all those awful things I did?

Finally, I got my courage up!  I pushed through my fears and thoughts and reached
out to God.  I began talking to him and sharing how I felt. I told him I
was struggling, felt lost, and alone. Then on a Sunday, I went to a local church
in the area.  I had no idea what church to pick, but I always saw this one
on my way to the grocery store that looked super busy and full of nice people.

The church was not what I expected. Instead of judgmental people, I was welcomed with love.
People were friendly and warm, and it felt a little like home. Over the next several months and years my life began to change.  I was re-baptized, gained new healthy, loving friends, a new
job and felt a sense of deep love and peace.  Something I hadn’t felt before.
Soon, I pursued going back to school and finishing my degree in leadership in ministry and serving. 

The love I received is like the prodigal son’s experience. Have you heard this story that Jesus told?

It’s about the younger of two sons who takes his inheritance early and goes off on his own. His life was all about
parties, living the high life and money. Then the unthinkable happened. He
eventually loses all his fortune. He was broke, desperate just like I was.

The son didn’t know what else to do except go back home.   When
he did, his Father saw hi, ran toward him, and welcomed him home with loving and open
arms. Instead of rejecting his son, He rejoiced with happiness and threw a
lavish party with all the fixings. ( Luke 15: 11-32)

That is How Jesus Loves us!

Are you in a place just like I was or the prodigal son? Do you feel lost, unloved displaced, or even rejected? Maybe even by your by own family?

Are you seeking for a change? Are you longing to feel loved, chosen, and accepted?
for you?  

Whether it is your first time or you’re coming back to God, you are invited into the loving arms of Jesus! a He is a loving and accepting Father. Do not fear rejection just come as you are. Just like I was, you will be adopted as His child and brought into His family.  In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. Ephesians 1:5 NIV. 

Today, it is my prayer and hope that you will accept His love.

 “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,  and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you maybe filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.Ephesians 3:16-21 NIV.

If today your answer is YES  I want to receive His love, then I invite you to say this prayer: 

“Dear Jesus, I come to you and ask for forgiveness of my sins.  Thank you for dying on the Cross for me. I believe you died as a penalty for my sins and I receive you as my Savior and Lord. I want you into my life.”

If you said this prayer, you just made the best decision ever!  CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a child of God with

an ever-lasting love.

What is Next?  I encourage you to begin spending time with God by just talking to him and
in prayer. Begin reading books in the Bible. My suggestion would be to start with:

  • Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as they share history, miracle stories, Jesus, Birth and death.

  • I also encourage picking up a devotional.  One I love and suggest is Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.(Amazon).  

  • Reach out to a local church in your area.  They will be able to assist and help you as you begin the beautiful journey of learning more about God. 

I would love to hear that you made this life changing decision.  If you said yes, send me a message so I can be praying for you. 

We all so desperately need to know everyday, just how immeasurably high, deep and wide the Love of Christ is! It’s infinite!

I delight in sharing my story with others. If you want to hear more or would like me to share my story at an event, feel free to contact me below!

In Christ’s Love!

Lisa Hice