21 Life Changing Healthy Habit

Hello friends,

I want to share with you words of encouragement when it comes to change, lifestyle wellness, and creating healthy habits.

What do you think of when you see a butterfly? Do enjoy the beautiful colors, the beauty of how the insect flies or even think of how it became the butterfly? The butterfly was not always a butterfly. It had to go through some changes and also a time of transformation while in the cocoon. Just like the butterfly, we are continually changing, transforming and becoming new.

I am filled with so much gratitude as I reflect back how God has redeemed, changed and transformed so many areas of my life. For more of my BUTTERFLY TRANSFORMATION STORY you can read it HERE.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the old is gone and the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Step 1: Reflect and Analyze: As you do this, think about all areas of life!

What has worked and not worked lately in your life? What healthy habits have been impactful and good for you? What are some areas or habits that you desire to change?

What do you want to see happen by then end of 2024?

Examples include: spiritual, physical, financial, and lifestyle wellness. Do you want to renew any unhealthy mindsets, and or improve your relationships. What about safety, work habits and time management?

It’s always helpful then to write out a list of priorities as you think about goals and new healthy habits.

How can you adjust your schedule to work in these new habits?  

This week, I encourage you to take time to journal and ponder the areas that you would would like to focus on growth and improvement.

Remember friends it’s progress instead of perfection.

Step 2: Try a daily or weekly healthy habits checklist!

Here are 21 Life changing Healthy Habits that I love:

Pick 2 or 3 and begin adding them into your daily life.

1. Take negative thoughts captive

2. Creating and having morning and evening routines

3. Track your spending with a spending tracker

4. Unplug 30-60 mins before bedtime

5. Turn worries into prayer requests….Check out the Video on YouTube about How to Pray

6. Drive safely-undistracted driving and the speed limit

7. Utilize a monthly budget

Check out the Budget Binder for Sale!

8. Pick fruit over sugar desserts

9. Journaling

10. Listen before speaking

11. Pause before buying something big

12. Make the bed daily

13. Weekly meal plan and prep

14. Pause before committing to events

15. Take spending breaks

16. Reading the Bible and Truths

17. Have a workout schedule: at least 30-60 mins a day 4/week or more

18. Weekly cleaning schedule

19. Speak and think positive about yourself and others

20. Spend time outdoors

21. Get Enough sleep

Lisa Hice

Pause, Pray & Simplicity

YouTube: Lisa Hice, Pause, Pray and Simplicity


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