Week 1 Reset Challenge: Home Organization

Welcome to Week 1 of the Reset Challenge!

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 I am so excited to begin the new year with all of you. As I look into 2021, I am filled with joy, excitement and hope. Hopefully you are too!  I just feel that we have such great and wonderful things to come on the horizon. Don’t give up hope friends I believe it’s going to be a better year!   For many of us, we could use a better year than last year.  If you can, take time to reflect on the good that still happened in 2020.  Were there some special highlights, trips or anything fun that happened?  Did you hit some goals, create new habits or accomplish something wonderful? Maybe it was a year of slowing down a little.   Would love to hear from you so feel free to comment below.  What are you looking forward to in 2021? Any exciting plans, trips to go on, new goals you want to meet or some possible changes coming up? Let me know by commenting below!

Ok, friends who is ready to really get started on this reset challenge?  Are you ready to get organized, set your 2021 goals, create new healthy habits, and have a reset to your finances also?  If anything like me, you are ready to let go of 2020 and begin 2021 with a more positive, hopeful and joyful attitude and mindset. We will be focusing on mindset and letting go of fears that many of us struggle with right now at the end of the challenge.

So let’s dive in and get started!

Begin by downloading your FREE Home Organization Workbook! This workbook and the printable are meant to help you get and stay organized, meal prep for the week, and plan ahead. Plus, stay on track with tasks and to do lists, plus so much more regarding home organization! It is my hopes that you enjoy a greater sense of peace and joy in your home. I also want to help you save time and energy through out the week. I will continue to share some tutorial videos over on my YouTube Channel on these worksheets so stay tuned for those!

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Let’s begin by tackling the home and getting reset, organized and cleaned up! The first of the year is a great time to do a reset especially after the holidays.  I just love a fresh clean slate and getting the home organized.  The tree is out of the house, decorations put away, cleaned up and re-decorated for everyday use.  Recently, I had a little extra time off so I did a major cleaning of these four areas including the kitchen, entry, dining and living space. It just feels so refreshing, organized and sanitized again.  

I love a clean home and organizing but I will be straight up honest and truthful. Friends, I lean towards a more organized messy person who is fantastic at making messes and creating piles quickly.  Can you relate?  You just clean the house and then it looks like a tornado ran through it.  With that, I have had to create better systems, schedules, block cleaning times, zone cleaning schedule, and utilizing daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cleaning checklists. Who else wants to have a functional and well running home we actually want to enjoy and spend time in?  I want a home that I won’t panic if someone drops in unexpectedly.  Plus, just keeping it more sanitized against germs.

This week starting Friday January 1st through January 8th: Main Living Spaces

Let’s tackle and focus on the following:

·    Kitchen

·   Dining Room

·   Living Room

·   Entry way

***Have you put the Christmas decorations away, got rid of the tree and began a good deep clean yet? If not, I suggest setting sometime this next week to do a little refresher in the home.

Everyone has different systems, schedules and processes to keep the home clean and organized. What may work for one person may not work for the other.   I am just here to share a few helpful ideas, tips and wisdom that have have really helped me and hope to help you.   I encourage you to set time aside that is right for you, your family and schedule.  You can do it in large chunks of time or break them down into smaller sets of time like 20, 40, or 60 minute increments.  


·   Fridge and Freezer: Clean out items that are expired, leftovers, and also foods that are not so healthy you may just want out of the house. Do a deep clean and then reorganize items.

·    Pantry: Check for expired dates, get rid of anything unhealthy you may not want, wipe down and re-organize the pantry.

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·   Microwave and Oven: Do a deep cleaning of the oven and I highly suggest getting an oven liner.  They are inexpensive and keeps the oven bottoms from getting greasy.  

·   Cupboards, cabinets and drawers: Get rid of and maybe donate any items not using, do a wipe down and re-organize cooking appliances, dishes, glasses, etc.

·     Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·     Dust.

·     Window/Mirrors.


·    Remove any Christmas decorations.  Consider donating items you may want to get rid of.

·    Do a deep cleaning before re-decorating.

·    Clean out and organize baskets, drawers, bookshelves, entertainment areas and cabinets.

·    Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·    Dust.

·    Window/Mirrors.

·    Donate any unused items you don’t want.

·    Redecorate for everyday use.

I hope this week’s reset challenge on home organization is helpful. What is something that will bring you a greater sense of joy and peace into your home?

Stay Tuned: Next week we will focus on how to keep the home clean by creating systems and how to create and utilize cleaning schedules. This will be for weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning times. **** I will be sending you some freebies also. Be sure to check your email next Friday the 8th.

Plus, we will focus on the bedrooms, bath and any other space in your home that you feel needs a reset.

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Here is the full schedule for the 8-Week Reset Challenge!
Every Friday, check your email with the new challenge of the week including the certain focus. Below shows each week the different areas we will touch on. I will be sending out inspirations, tips, checklists, goals worksheets, resources, a video maybe and freebies to help you along with this challenge.

Week 1 & 2: Home Organization
Week 3: Goals
Week 4: Habits/Health
Week 5 & 6: Finances and Budgets
Week 7 and 8: Mindset and Truths

To continue with the challenge here are a few tips:

Be sure to sign up for the challenge!

  • Every Friday check your email box especially check your promotions and spam folder! Add as a safe email. Email will be from Lisa Hice frugallivingnetwork@gmail.com

  • Invite a friend along or a family member. We all could use a little encouragement plus accountability along this journey to reset for 2021! Plus, it makes it more fun. Just send them over to my website www.lisahice.com to sign up and Subscribe to the emails.

  • Follow along on YouTube Channel, Facebook and Instagram for some fun, encouragement, daily inspiration and tutorial videos. My user name is @FrugalLivingNetwork.

  • I would love to cheer you on and celebrate your celebrations. Tag me over on Instagram:FrugalLivingNetwork if you are joining me, have some before and after pictures and some successes along the way.

Please let me know if you have any questions and be sure to send me a reply letting me know you are joining the 2021 reset challenge! I want to encourage you and cheer you on.

Together, let’s make 2021 the best year yet!

Lisa Hice
Frugal Living Network



Week 2 Reset Challenge: Home Organization


Join the 2021 8 Week Reset Challenge!