Week 2 Reset Challenge: Home Organization

Welcome to Week 2 of the Reset Challenge!

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Hello friends! Welcome back for another week of our reset challenge for 2021! How did your first week of the challenge go? Were you able to get the Christmas tree out, decorations put away and do a little reset of the kitchen and the main living spaces? I don’t about you but I just love the clean space starting the new year.

In case you missed last weeks blog, check it out HERE!

Plus, check out the 2 new YouTube Videos down below and over on my YouTube Channel: Frugal Living Network!

Pantry overhaul!

8 Kitchen Must Haves!

This week, we are focusing on the bedroom, bath and any other rooms you may need to do!

Be sure to download your FREE Home Organization Workbook! This workbook and the printable forms are meant to help you get and stay organized, meal prep for the week, and plan ahead. Plus, stay on track with tasks and to do lists, plus so much more regarding home organization! It is my hopes that you enjoy a greater sense of peace and joy in your home. I also want to help you save time and energy through out the week. I will continue to share some tutorial videos over on my YouTube Channel on these worksheets so stay tuned for those!

This week starting Friday January 8th through January 14th: Part 2 Home Organization

Let’s tackle and focus on the following:

·    Bedroom

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·   Bathroom

·   Closets if needed

·   any other rooms.

Everyone has different systems, schedules and processes to keep the home clean and organized. What may work for one person may not work for the other.   I am just here to share a few helpful ideas, tips and wisdom that have have really helped me and hope to help you.   I encourage you to set time aside that is right for you, your family and schedule.  You can do it in large chunks of time or break them down into smaller sets of time like 20, 40, or 60 minute increments.  


·   Do a deep clean and then reorganize items.

·    Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·    Dust.

·    Window/Mirrors.

Redecorate for everyday use

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·    Do a deep cleaning of toilet, bathtubs, showers, sinks etc.

·    Clean out and organize baskets, drawers, and cabinets.

·    Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·    Dust.

·    Window/Mirrors.

·    Donate any unused items you don’t want.

·    Redecorate for everyday use.

I hope this week’s reset challenge on home organization is helpful. What is something that will bring you a greater sense of joy and peace into your home?

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Here is the full schedule for the 8-Week Reset Challenge!
Every Friday, check your email with the new challenge of the week including the certain focus. Below shows each week the different areas we will touch on. I will be sending out inspirations, tips, checklists, goals worksheets, resources, a video maybe and freebies to help you along with this challenge.

Week 1 & 2: Home Organization
Week 3: Goals
Week 4: Habits/Health
Week 5 & 6: Finances and Budgets
Week 7 and 8: Mindset and Truths

To continue with the challenge here are a few tips:

If you have yet, be sure to sign up for the challenge!

  • Every Friday, check your email box especially check your promotions and spam folder! Add as a safe email. Email will be from Lisa Hice frugallivingnetwork@gmail.com

  • Invite a friend along or a family member. We all could use a little encouragement plus accountability along this journey to reset for 2021! Plus, it makes it more fun. Just send them over to my website www.lisahice.com to sign up and Subscribe to the emails.

  • Follow along on YouTube Channel, Facebook and Instagram for some fun, encouragement, daily inspiration and tutorial videos. My user name is @FrugalLivingNetwork.

  • I would love to cheer you on and celebrate your celebrations. Tag me over on Instagram:FrugalLivingNetwork if you are joining me, have some before and after pictures and some successes along the way.

Please let me know if you have any questions and be sure to send me a reply letting me know you are joining the 2021 reset challenge! I want to encourage you and cheer you on.

Together, let’s make 2021 the best year yet!

Lisa Hice
Frugal Living Network



How you can Goal Plan with these 7 Steps.....


Week 1 Reset Challenge: Home Organization