Save$$ Money DIY Coffee Bar~

Hello Friends,


Happy Friday! We did it! We made it through the week and probably for most of us we needed a little extra coffee given the time change and our sleep being funky. Did you have a little more coffee this week? Maybe hit up the coffee shop or at work?

Are you anything like me, do you LOVE COFFEE and sometimes even the extra cup in the afternoon for that needed jolt to get through the long days? If so, I want to help you out with coffee expenses and sharing with you ways to save you money!

Today, let's chat how we can save over $1000+/yr in the budget just with having a DIY Coffee Bar at home. This allows you to put your money in other places like your emergency fund, travel fund, pay off debt and reach your financial goals.

Check out the YouTube Video, tips below and download your FREE SPENDING TRACKER FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER.

One of the best ways to begin saving money, saving less and analyzing where your money is going is using a spending tracker. Are there some small ways to cut back on eating out, coffee shops, purchasing clothes, monthly subscriptions, cell phone bills etc that can be cut back on? This allows you to put money to better places, pay down debt, put in an emergency fund and reach your financial goals.

Download your free spending tracker for November and December 2020!

Track your spending!

  • Recently, I have been tracking my spending and was shocked how much I was still spending at my work cafe. So, I began to set a weekly budget of 1 fun coffee a week or if I am out with friends.

  • How much are you spending out at cafes and coffee shops?

  • Make coffee from home

  • Purchase a coffee pot

  • Utilize a spill proof coffee mug like Contingo for coffee/tea on the go!

  • Set a budget for those coffee purchases per month!

I am here to inspire, encourage and cheer you on with your successes and financial goals. Send me an email or tag me over on the Frugal Living Network Instagram if you pay off debt, use one of the resource forms or want to share a financial success. I would love to hear from you.

If you know someone who are struggling financially, looking for help with saving money, budgeting, frugal living tips and would benefit from The Frugal Living Network, feel free to share with them and others.

Talk with you soon!~

Lisa Hice

Frugal Living Network

Few of my favorite Products and that I suggest!~

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In case you missed, recent video on creating financial goals!~

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