Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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How to Spring Clean the Kitchen~2023 SPRING RESET CHALLENGE

Hello friends,

Welcome to week 2 of the 2023 Spring Stress Less Challenge! In case you miss week 1 check it out HERE!

During week 1 of the challenge, we focus on rest and self-care in order to reduce stress levels.


Spring is a great time to reset our homes especially after the long winter months.   I just love a fresh clean slate and getting the home decluttered, sanitized and organized.   Recently, I had a little extra time off so I did a major cleaning of these four areas including the kitchen, entry, dining and living space.

Can I be honest with you? Friends, I lean toward an organized messy personality. I love a clean home but I can make messes very quickly.   Can you relate? 

I used to panic when someone would say they were stopping by. Thankfully to the Fly Lady System, I have a little more of a handle on keeping my place presentable and clean.

If you have not heard of the Fly Lady System, I encourage you to check it out. It has completely changed my home, stress levels and cleaning habits.

What I have gleaned from here are:

  1. Create a cleaning schedule

  2. Morning and evening routine

  3. Monthly Routine

  4. Zone Cleaning: take a zone a week of the home to declutter and reset.

Time to get started: Here are a few ideas to get the kitchen cleaned, sanitized, and organized.


·   Fridge and Freezer: Clean out items that are expired, leftovers, and items no longer of use. Do a deep clean and reorganize.

·    Pantry: Check for expired dates, wipe down and re-organize the pantry.

See this Amazon product in the original post

·   Microwave and Oven: Do a deep cleaning of the oven and I highly suggest getting an oven liner.  They are inexpensive and keeps the oven bottoms from getting greasy.  

·   Cupboards, cabinets and drawers: Get rid of and maybe donate any items not using, do a wipe down and re-organize cooking appliances, dishes, glasses, etc.

·     Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·     Dust.

·     Window/Mirrors.

I hope this week’s reset challenge on home organization is helpful. What is something that will bring you a greater sense of joy and peace into your home?

Stay Tuned and follow along for next week’s challenge where we focus on the bedroom and closet.

2023 Stress Less Challenge Schedule!

Week 1: 3/25 Positive Mindset & Self Care

Week 2: 4/1 Home Organization: Kitchen

Week 3: 4/8 Home Organization: Bedroom & Closet

Week 4: 4/15 Home Organization: Bathroom & Laundry Room

Week 5: 4/22 Home Organization: Living & Dining Room

Week 6: 4/29 Home Organization: Garage and Storage

Week 7: 5/6 Your Finances: Part 1

Week 8: 5/13 Your Finances: Part 2


Lisa Hice

See this content in the original post


See this content in the original post