How to Practice Self-Care after Christmas : Stress Less Challenge!

Hello Friends!

Today, we are talking about self-care after the holidays~ How are you feeling Christmas? Feeling tired, weary and a little worn down? We love the holidays but also know that it brings busier schedules, extra treats and also stress.

I am passionate about helping others toward wellness and self-care. Here are a few tips to help you rest and recharge before 2024!

.It was a few years back I realized that I was driving my life like a professional car racer out on the tracks. 

I was speeding through life, over committed, and never slowing down.  Usually, pure exhaustion and illness was what it took for me to slow down. I work front lines at a hospital, am in ministry, lead a hiking group, life coach and run a blog and YouTube Channel. Plus, balance of taking care of my home, exercise, cleaning tasks and time with family and friend. Wow I am worn out just writing this….. You may say WOW that is a lot…Yes it is and at times somethings are put on hold. In 2021, I hit complete burn out. I was at work crying and decided to call my doctor. She then put me on a leave of absence from work for a few weeks. It was during that time I came to realize I didn’t want to live my life like I was on the racetracks and spinning out of control.

It was then that God encouraged me to begin the Spiritual discipline of Sabbath.  A great pastor in my local area introduced me to the book “The Spirit of The Disciplines.” From Dallas Willard.  It speaks on so many topics, but I enjoyed the part about sabbath, silence, and solitude.

We are human and we can get weary especially after stressful weeks of work, busy seasons and even after challenging situations. Even Jesus got tired and weary.  He set time aside to rest.

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Genesis 2:2.    There was times Jesus went away to be alone from all his work, healing and miracles to spend time with God and to rest.

What happens if we don’t take time to sabbath, rest, and recharge? 

We become weary physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

We are more likely to be short tempered, irritable, and less patient with those we care about. It can also lead to illness, lower immune system, and health issues.  The mind and body cannot think as precise nor handle difficult or stressful situations.   If we are weary and tired, we become an open door for the evil one to tempt us with our actions, tongue, thoughts and behaviors. 

Personally, I love taking a day of Sabbath and rest on Saturday’s. I enjoy the extra time to sleep, being in God’s creation either hiking, on a road trip just spending time on the patio.   Recently, I have been incorporating more art, crafts and creativity into my practice.  I enjoy time in community with friends and family.

I used to get hung up on the picking of a day but I believe it’s not the day of the week it’s the practice and discipline.  It is the purposeful time to rest, slow down, unplug from the noise and recharge.   Doing the pleasures and activities that fill you back up mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

What day of the week would be best for you and your family to sabbath?

Evaluate your schedule, situation, and even your family.  Put it on your calendar and begin practicing Sabbath. Write out a list of what brings you fulfillment, rest, and true joy. On your next day of Sabbath/rest day, pull out that list as a reminder of what you love to do and do it. 

Bible Verses: Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 20:8-10, Mark 2:27

There are different types of self care including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational well-being.

Here are 10 Self-Care ideas for you:

  1. Get outdoors and exercise

  2. Hot Bath

  3. Healthy eating

  4. Laughter

  5. Meditation/Yoga

  6. Eat a healthy breakfast ( I love eggs and healthy smoothie)

  7. Favorite activity and hobby

  8. Listen to music

  9. Time with friends and family

  10. A good book

How can you practice self-care today and this week?

2024 Stress Less Challenge Schedule!

Week 1: 3/25 Positive Mindset & Self Care

Week 2: 4/1 Home Organization: Kitchen

Week 3: 4/8 Home Organization: Bedroom & Closet

Week 4: 4/15 Home Organization: Bathroom & Laundry Room

Week 5: 4/22 Home Organization: Living & Dining Room

Week 6: 4/29 Home Organization: Garage and Storage

Week 7: 5/6 Your Finances: Part 1

Week 8: 5/13 Your Finances: Part 2


April Reset: Setting Goals & Healthy Habits
