Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Spring Cleaning the Bedroom & Closet

Welcome to Week 3 of spring stress less Challenge!

In case you missed week 1 check it out HERE! During week 1 of the challenge, we focused on rest and self-care in order to reduce stress levels.

In case you missed week 2 check it out HERE! During Week 2 of the challenge, we focused on the cleaning, organizing and decluttering the KITCHEN!

Let’s tackle and focus on the following:

  •  Bedroom

  • Closet

  • Office plus any any other rooms needed.

Everyone has different systems, schedules and processes to keep the home clean and organized. What may work for one person may not work for the other.   I am just here to share a few helpful ideas, tips and wisdom that have have really helped me and hope to help you.   I encourage you to set time aside that is right for you, your family and schedule.  You can do it in large chunks of time or break them down into smaller sets of time like 20, 40, or 60 minute increments.  


  • Do a deep clean and then reorganize items.

  • Store away winter bedding and clothing. ** See video on how I did it.

  • Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

  • Dust.

  • Window/Mirrors.

  • Redecorate for everyday use.

If you are looking for cheap ways to re-decorate use decor from other rooms, shop thrift stores and Facebook groups:Facebook Buy Nothing or Facebook Marketplace.

I hope this week’s reset challenge on home organization is helpful. What is something that will bring you a greater sense of joy and peace into your home?

2023 Stress Less Challenge Schedule!

Week 1: 3/25 Positive Mindset & Self Care

Week 2: 4/1 Home Organization: Kitchen

Week 3: 4/8 Home Organization: Bedroom & Closet

Week 4: 4/15 Home Organization: Bathroom & Laundry Room

Week 5: 4/22 Home Organization: Living & Dining Room

Week 6: 4/29 Home Organization: Garage and Storage

Week 7: 5/6 Your Finances: Part 1

Week 8: 5/13 Your Finances: Part 2


Lisa Hice



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