How to Save Money by Meal Planning!

Hello Friends!~

Are you on a budget and want to save money on eating out? Do you want to learn a little more about food prep and meal planning?

Did you know that packing a lunch can save you up to $1500/year? Yes, per year. Those cafes, cafeterias and drive-thru restaurants add up quickly. Not only does meal prepping save you on the pocketbook, but also on the waistline.

Utilize the Weekly Meal Planner

Grocery Shopping Tips

  • Make a grocery list

  • Create a monthly food budget of groceries and eating out.

  • Clip coupons online and from the paper.

  • Don't shop full or hungry.

  • Avoid the weekend crowds: Go midweek, early morning or evenings.

  • Allow time to put away groceries.

Meal Preparation, Cooking, Storage, and Clean Up!~

  • What day of the week is best? Review your calendar and pick the day that you have allowed time. For me, I usually do it on Sunday evening or Monday mornings.

  • Carve out at least an hour or more for shopping and 1-1.5 hours for the prep, cook, storage and clean-up.

Suggested Storage and Lunch/Travel Bag:

  • Do you have storage for your meals? If not, I encourage you to invest in glass storage containers that have a variety of sizes. Ones for larger meal storage, lunches, and snacks. Plus, a great lunch bag so you can take meals/snacks to work, school or even on the road.

Check out these Food Bloggers & Cookbooks for meal Inspirations

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Lots of Love and Blessings!~

XOXO Lisa Hice

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