Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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What are your Summer plans and goals?

Hello dear friends!

Wow, can you believe it is mid June already? Where is the time going? Hopefully this year has been much better than last year so far.

Give it is mid-year, I thought it would be a great time to check in with myself but also inspire you toward your goals? Maybe you have already forgotten about them or gave up!I am here to be your cheering coach and to keep going. You got this friend!

What do you want to still accomplish in 2021 and in the future?  It is wise to think ahead 1, 5 even 10 years from now as future goals can help you generate current goals.

Are you ready to crush 2021? If so, these 7 steps to goal planning are you going to help along the way!

Step 1: Reflect and Analyze: As you do this, think about all areas of life!

What has worked so far and not worked lately in your life?

What do you want to see happen for the rest of 2021?

What are some areas that may need de-cluttering or changing? These might be spiritual, physical, and relational. Also, professional, mindset, negative thinking, old habits, your home, and finances. As you begin to see what not been life giving you then can simplify, de-clutter and clean out those spaces in order to make room for new.  Think about what your priorities are and what is of importance to you.   


What do you want to still accomplish in 2021 and in the future?  It is wise to think ahead 1, 5 even 10 years from now as future goals can help you generate current goals.

Step 2: Begin Brainstorming:  Think about all the other areas of your life including your health,  learning,  travel, and fun. Also, where do you want to help, serve and volunteer this next year?

This is the time to stop and think what you are passionate about and want to accomplish or see happen.  What are some goals and healthy habits you want for this coming year and in the future?  Dedicate a specific time to journal, pray and really think what you want to see happen.  

Step 3:  Create S.M.A.R.T. GOALS and record them in a notebook: 

USE SMART TOOL:   Ask yourself are they:

S- SPECIFIC Describe and make the goals specific.

M-MEASURABLE How can you track and measure progress?

A-Achievable Can these goals actually happen and be attained? Is this possible? How?

R-RELEVANT Is the goal relevant for your current or long term goals?

T-TIMELY: When do you want to accomplish this goal? Set a deadline.

Utilize the goals worksheets, put them on a whiteboard, your fridge, bathroom, closet or desk, wherever you will see them often.

Step 4:  Create Action Steps for Your Goals:  How are you going to achieve these goals? What needs to happen?  Do you need to take a class, meet with someone, save money, meet with a trainer etc?  

Step 5:  Break down larger goals/habits into smaller ones:  Example: You want to pay off debt or lose weight.  If you have larger goals, break them down into small increments or steppingstones. Hitting goals and changing habits for the good creates excitement and also momentum.  Celebrate your smaller goals.  If needed, adjust any goals and habits.

Step 6: Have an Accountability Partner and Review Goals Often: Now your goals are in writing, read then daily or weekly. This helps you stay motivated. Look for a mentor, family member, friend, life coach or someone who will walk alongside you and help you keep going. Ask them to help you stay accountable, cheer you on and encourage you during the process of reaching your goals! Plan monthly, quarterly, and/or semi-yearly check-ins.  These individuals can help encourage you and help you when challenges, delays and setback happen. They should be someone who will help you stay resilient, positive and hopeful along the journey of reaching your goals.

Step 7:  Celebrate: As you accomplish your goals, take time to rejoice and celebrate in any way you want! Yeah!!!

It is my prayer and hope that this next year, and many to come, are your best yet! May you be filled with hope, joy, and blessings.   I hope you’ll see God continue to do a great work in you and through you in 2021! Please comment below or send me a message HERE of what your goals are? I would love to hear from you.

If you know someone who would benefit from this blog, please feel free to share.

Encouraging Bible verses to read:

Proverbs 16:11, Psalm 32:8, Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 28:11

  • Follow along on YouTube Channel, Facebook and Instagram for some fun, encouragement, daily inspiration and tutorial videos. Be sure to Subscribe to the newsletter!

  • I would love to cheer you on and celebrate your celebrations. Tag me over on Instagram: _LavishedwithLove if you are joining me, have some before and after pictures and some successes along the way.

Please let me know if you have any questions and be sure to send me a reply letting me know you are joining the 2021 reset challenge! I want to encourage you and cheer you on.

Together, let’s make the rest of 2021 the best year yet!

With Love,

Lisa Hice

Lavished With Love

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Follow along on YouTube Channel, Facebook and Instagram for some fun, encouragement, daily inspiration and tutorial videos. Be sure to Subscribe to the newsletter!