How to safely still get Outdoors!

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Hello All,

Do you love the outdoors? Are you struggling with getting out into nature, being stuck inside, and craving fresh air? Probably the answer is YES!!!! There are a lot of benefits to being outside. Unfortunately, many of our favorite go-to spots in the Gorge, State Parks etc. are closed for our protection which is a good thing. With that, I wanted to share healthy ways you can still get outdoors to enjoy nature and fresh air.

Before I get started: I need to share information to keep you and others safe!

Then the fun stuff is below!

Given the current situation and wanting to protect you and others here are links for you to know about before going on hikes, walks, bikes etc. Right now a lot of changes are happening so all this information in this blog is subject to change given State and Government authority. I do ask that with the constant changes and the need for protection of others, plus reducing the spread of Covid-19, we band together and submit to what our Government authorities say.

For Government Guidelines and Recommendations: Click Here

Click here for KGW Most Recent Article of what we can and can’t do:

Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District

I had a long conversation with an assistant at the Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District. She stated that several locations and trails are still open but the playgrounds, restrooms and facilities are closed.

***Coming this weekend there will be Park guides monitoring and giving advice to those coming to the parks to keep their 6 ft distance.

Additional information for precautions you and other need to take:

****Maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other people.

  • Stay home if you feel sick; 

  • Wash hands before and after hitting the trails or visiting parks; 

  • Be prepared for limited or no access to restrooms or water fountains; 

  • Share the trail and announce you’re on the trail so other users are warned; 

  • Step aside to let others pass; 

  • Wear a mask if need be and especially if you have a compromised immune system or health issues.

  • Do not go in large groups. The advice is to limit to 2-4 or break people up to still keep the social distancing. Otherwise keep to family members.

Now let’s get to the FUN part!

Ways to still get Fresh Air and Be Outdoors!

  • Take a walk around neighborhood!

  • Sit in your yard, on your patio or deck!

  • Take a walk on your lunch or your breaks!

  • Walk your Dog!

  • Take the kids out for a walk or bike ride!

  • Take a nature drive even if you can’t get into a state park!

  • Plant some flowers or work in your yard and garden!

  • Walk an encouragement letter to the mail box!

Parks and trails Available:

Check this link by KGW -LInk for all areas and city spots still available and open through-out the Portland Metro Area.

  • Tualatin Hills Nature Park in Beaverton —Bathrooms and Nature Center is closed but trails are open

  • Fanno Creek/Greenway Trail— Miles of amazing trails—Great for walking, biking and is kid and with strollers. ***Warning some trail areas are flooded.

  • Cooper Mountain Trails are open but the play areas, restrooms, and facilities are closed.  

  • Mary S. Young Trails -West Linn, Or - trails are open, play parks and bathrooms are closed.

  • Under the Power Line trails in Beaverton

  • Waterfront in Stevenson Washington

Hope this information is helpful!

Wishing you well and praying for you! It is my hopes that you, your family and friends stay healthy and safe!


Lisa Hice


Courage to Make Decisions Vs Fears


Recipe: Fish Tacos