Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Week 1 Home Organization Challenge

Hello friends,

Hope you are having a wonderful Summer. Do anything fun?

With the new season of Fall around the corner, it is a great time to begin thinking and planning ahead. Plus, to get the home cleaned up and organized. For some, the kids are getting back to school or going back to the office after a the last year working from home. With that comes new routines, schedules and change. When I thought of this challenge several months ago, I didn’t realize how perfect the timing is as I have been healing from hand surgery. Friends, after two to three weeks of not being able to do home tasks and cleaning, my house needs a reset so BAD!

I don’t know about you but I love Fall~

Pumpkin Spiced Coffees, fresh apples and decorating all things Fall.

I thought I would share with you a few of the tips, tricks and resources I love that maybe beneficial.

Before you begin.

  1. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Do a zone area at a time. Examples: Kitchen, Bedrooms, bathroom, office etc. It’s amazing what you can do in just 60 to 90 minutes.

  2. Schedule a day or time that works for you.

  3. Set priorities and deadlines for projects.

  4. Budget for replacement items needed.

Ideas to Deep Clean & Organize

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  • Main areas of focus pick one or a few that you feel is needed: kitchen, bathrooms, closets, bathrooms, outdoor spaces.

What are a few areas that you feel this week you know need some attention?

For me, I began by doing the kitchen, bathroom and dining room.

This next few days and next week, I will be focusing on living room, office, bedroom and closet.

  • Don’t forget in the kitchen to focus on a deep cleaning of the oven, fridge, pantry and drawers.

  • Remove items from spaces.

  • Sort into piles: trash, keep, donate or sell. I love using Facebook Buy Nothing and Facebook Marketplace to donate or sell items. Plus, I give to family members or Goodwill.

  • Dust, sweep, mop, vacuum and clean windows.

  • Reorganize items into baskets, drawers, closets, shelves. etc.

  • Redecorate if you want. (To save money, go to Goodwill and thrift shops etc.)

  • Clean rugs, baseboards, windows and vents.

  • Outdoors and the patio: Begin putting away areas for Fall/Winter.

    Stay tuned for next week of part two of the 5 week challenge~

  • We will chat about cleaning routines and also focusing on other areas of the home including bedroom, office, living room and closets.

    I will be sharing some of my favorite organization tips and hacks to save you time, energy and money!

    Be sure to sign up for the challenge and invite your friends also.

    You will get some fun freebies and the new email that will be out on TUESDAY’S!

    Be sure to grab your freebie today above~ Tag me when you use it on Instagram so I know you got it… Either Lavished With Love or Frugal Living Network.


    Lisa Hice

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