Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Week 2: Closet Organization & Fall Shop on a Budget |Home Organization Challenge

Hello friends,

Welcome back to the 5 Week Home Organization & Productivity Challenge.

In case you missed last week’s blog and tips you can check it out here. Week 1 Home Organization Challenge.

Before you begin.

  1. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Do a zone area at a time. Examples: Kitchen, Bedrooms, bathroom, office etc. It’s amazing what you can do in just 60 to 90 minutes.

  2. Schedule a day or time that works for you.

  3. Set priorities and deadlines for projects.

  4. Budget for replacement items needed.

This week let’s clean, declutter and organize our closets~


I love the idea from Marie Kondo... Pull everything out and sort into piles.   Does what you have bring you JOY~
Sort into piles: trash, keep, donate or sell. 

If it is out of style, doesn't fit or you know you won't wear just get rid of it. 

Sort into piles: trash, keep, donate or sell. I love using Facebook Buy Nothing and Facebook Marketplace to donate or sell items. Plus, I give to family members or Goodwill.

  • Dust, sweep, mop, vacuum and clean windows.

  • Reorganize items into baskets, drawers, closets, shelves. etc.

  • Redecorate if you want. (To save money, go to Goodwill and thrift shops etc.)

Before you go Fall Shopping read these tips!

  • Is the store open?

  • What is the return and exchange policy? How many days do you have?

  • Can you try clothes on?

Save Money on clothes by going to Goodwill or Value Village.

What to Buy At Thrift Stores:

  • Clothing, jackets, costumes, baby, and maternity clothes.

  • Home décor items, wood furniture, lamps and gently used tools.

  • Luggage, bags, purses, wallets.

  • Gently used sports equipment and bikes.

  • Be cautious with electronics! If you can, plug them in before you purchase to confirm they work properly.

What Not to Buy at Thrift Stores:

  • Undergarments (underwear etc), shoes, stuffed animals, mattresses, used linens, pillows etc.

  • Steer clear of children’s safety equipment including cribs, car seats, strollers etc.

  • Helmets and hats.

  • Used fabric furniture.

Check Items Carefully:

  •  Make sure clothing items are not torn, have holes and soiled.  

  •  Check that all items are in good and working condition. 

  •  Be sure item have all the needed parts example: purchase of a game or equipment.

Check for Additional Discounts:

  • Some stores offer further discounts, sales especially if you are a Senior or military and even birthday discounts.

  •  Many stores have colored tag sales for that day or week so be on the lookout and purchase the colored tag items.

  • They may offer additional discounts if you sign up for the store’s email newsletter or membership. (Use caution on this one if shopping is too tempting after seeing emails)

    Have you signed up for Rakuten yet? It is fantastic and it’s free to sign up!

    You get cash back when your order online from top store including Gap, Old Navy, Nike, Ulta, Nordstrom Rack, Kohls, Walmart and so many more. It' adds up. I recently use my quarterly payout check towards my trip for Arizona.

    Use this code when you sign up and get $25.00


Shop for End of Season Deals:

  • You can save money for items for next year by shopping and purchasing end of season items. 

    Examples: Buy boots, coats, warm pants, and sweaters Feb-April and dresses/summer items in September.  Then store somewhere and bring out accordingly. 

Avoid Shopping on the Weekends, Instead Shop Mid-Week. 


  • Not only will you avoid the crowds and long lines to get in the store(some stores are limiting number of people they are letting in), you will also get a better selection to shop from. 

  • Stores are usually re-stocked mid-week.  

Do Not Worry About Your Needs!

Do Not Worry About Your Needs!
For many, money is tight right now and can be a major stressor. I do encourage you to trust God and turn worries into prayers. I love to see how God provides for us. He knows your needs friends. Just remember how He has been faithful in the past.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:25-27 NIV

Philippians 4:7 Philippians 4:11, 1 Timothy 6:6-8

If you are in need of prayer, have comments, or questions please send me a message. CONTACT ME!

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Stay tuned for next week!

Part 3 of the 5 week challenge~

  • I will be sharing some of my favorite tips for routines, the command center and will tackle our bathrooms.

    Be sure to sign up for the challenge and invite your friends also.

    You will get some fun freebies and the new email that will be out on TUESDAY’S!

    Be sure to grab your freebie today above~ Tag me when you use it on Instagram so I know you got it… Either Lavished With Love or Frugal Living Network.


    Lisa Hice

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