Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Courage to Make Decisions Vs Fears

Do you struggle with FEAR of decision making?

Have you ever felt paralyzed with making a decision?  Have you stood there at the store trying to buy a sweater or just a box of cereal and just overwhelmed with choices?  We live in a world filled with a plethora of choices, options and ways to go.  Stores to shop at, types of cars or homes to buy, computers, phones, movie subscriptions, ways to date, and even something wonderful like picking a home church.  What about those times you get 3 events invitations all on the same night? How do I pick, which one do I go with, what If I pick the wrong one? Probably, like me, these are questions that have crossed your mind. Have you have gotten to the point of decision making that you just feel a sense of paralysis and don’t decide at all. This has happened to me more times than I can count. 

 If you have made poor decisions and even life-altering decisions in your past, it can cause a spirit of fear.   Personally, this has happened to me.  With that, I have had to learn some wisdom and tools regarding better decision making.  To this day, I may not always make the right one but I decide with less fear.  Through this writing and personal experiences, it is my hopes that I can encourage you and give some wisdom regarding making decisions.

Decision making tools, questions, and ideas!

  1. Write out the decision. Ask yourself, is this a big one or small one?

  2. What are the options to choose from?

  3. Do your research before deciding?  If it is major decision like the purchase of a home, car, insurance to buy or who your going to marry, this needs more time, research, and will be more involved.  

  4. Apply Biblical principles

  5. Seek counsel and wisdom.  Meet with wise individuals in your life so they can help you.  Maybe it's a mentor, a pastor, a parent, a counselor or a friend. They may see things or think of things you don’t.  Allow them to ask you thought-provoking questions about your decision and choices. 

  6. Seek the desires of your heart.

  7. Pray and ask God for wisdom, direction and trust His leading. (Proverbs 3:5-7) 

  8. Decide and move forward with faith. 

  9. Own the decision.

Once the decision is made and you own it, you may learn WOW that was a great decision. Other times, you realize well, that was not the right choice or decision.  Don’t beat yourself up about it!!!  Instead, take it as a learning opportunity and a lesson for growth.   Next time, you will probably choose differently.  I have realized, that if it’s a door that God doesn’t want me to walk through, He will close it.  That option will no longer be available.  God gives free will to choose, but He also protects us from places, jobs, relationships, and even ministry opportunities He doesn’t want us to walk through.

So today, this next week & new year what decisions do you have to make?  Big or small? Give yourself time to write out, research, seek counsel, your heart, pray, trust, and move forward with a decision. 

Prayer: It is my hopes that you will be filled with greater peace, more faith, trust and less fear with decision making. May God give you wisdom and direction. 

Bible verses: Isaiah 41:10, 2 Timothy 1:7, Proverbs 3:5-7, Psalms 34:4, Romans 8:15

Blessing from your friend,

Lisa Hice