Week 3 All Things Routines: Home Organization & Productivity Challenge

Hello friends,

Welcome back to the 5 Week Home Organization & Productivity Challenge.

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We are on week 3 of the challenge.

In case you missed the last two weeks of the challenge you can check them out below.

Week 1 Home Organization Challenge: Kitchen

Week 2: Home Organization Challenge: Closet Declutter and Fall Shopping Tips

week 3 challenge: Deep clean, declutter and organize the bathroom.

This week we are also talking routines: cleaning, morning and evening routines. Plus, creating a launch pad for the bags, purses, school bags, and mail etc.

Ideas for Your Weekly Cleaning Routines

Do you have a routine that helps you stay on track on keeping the home organized and clean? Here are few ideas and tasks that I do weekly.

  • Pick a day of the week or time of day that you are able to reset and prep for the week. I usually do this on Sunday or Monday before work.

  • Create a weekly schedule that includes tasks, appointments, priorities and bills due etc.

  • Have grace with yourself especially when tasks don’t get done. Be flexible as things happen.

  • Be willing to ask for help, delegate and all all hands on deck for home chores.

  • Outsource if needed: Find a trustworthy housekeeper if finances allow it.


  1. Laundry/Bedding.

  2. Clean the bathrooms including the rugs.

  3. Garbage’s/recycles.

  4. Hotspots (these are the areas that seem to get messy or gather stuff).

  5. Clean the floors: sweep, vacuum and mop.

  6. Dust.

  7. Plan your week: meal plan, appts, meetings, kids schedule, work etc.

  8. Zone Cleaning: This means picking an area of the home each week to do a deeper clean. Example: kitchen, bathroom, closet, outdoors etc.

  9. Clean out purse, bags, lunch bags etc.

  10. Grocery shop & meal prep

  11. Get mail, pay bills, file papers and update financials.

  12. Get gas & quick swish of garbage and items in the car. I do a deep clean at least once a month.

Here are a few people I enjoy following for cleaning and organizing tips and inspiration.

Bowl Full of Lemons

The Fly Lady

The Secret Slob

Do it on a Dime

At Home With Nikki

Morning Routine Ideas

Do you have a morning routine? What brings you a sense of calm, energy and helps you to start the day off right? Here are a few ideas to help you to create a routine as we go into Fall.

  1. Devotional/Bible study.

  2. Journaling.

  3. Prayers & praises.

  4. Review your calendar, planner and to do lists. What are your priorities and schedule for the day?

  5. Listen to your favorite podcast or read a book that inspires you.

  6. Make your bed.

  7. 10-15 min clean up.

  8. Workout/Yoga/Meditation.

  9. Eat a healthy breakfast ( I love eggs, oatmeal or a healthy smoothie. )

  10. Get lunches, bags and items needed for the day by the launch pad/door

PM. Routines & Healthy Habits

Do you have an evening routine or some healthy habits to help you wind down, relax and get ready for bed? Here are a few my go to favorites. I encourage you to create some kind of rhythm and routine that helps you and your family out.

  1. Eat Dinner

  2. Kitchen clean up after dinner

  3. Free time do what brings you joy or spend time with family and friends.

  4. Tidy up before bed.

  5. Shower/bath and or self-care time.

  6. Workout, Yoga/stretch. I love the Calm app.

  7. Devotional/Bible Study.

  8. Journaling: What brought you joy today?

  9. Prayers & praises.

  10. Read a book or an activity that you enjoy.

  11. Check your calendar, planner and to do lists. What are your priorities and schedule for the next day?

  12. I encourage unplugging from screen time 60 minutes before bed time as this improves your sleep.

Ideas for your Command Center and Launch Pad

Do you have an area that helps you stay organized when it comes to purses, bags, keys, mail, and school/work items? I have found having a launch pad and command center really helpful to stay organized.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Hanging wall files, basket or box for mail, bills or important paperwork.

  2. Place for shoes.

  3. Place for Keys (also spare keys which I suggest labeling).

  4. Hanging spot or place for coats, purses, bags, lunch bags, school bags etc.

  5. Space to hang masks.

  6. Box or container for returns: Examples library books and purchased items etc.

  7. Weekly Schedule & Calendars *** I usually have these on my desk or fridge.

  8. Meal Plan for the week*** I put this on my fridge.

  9. Clock.

  10. Chore checklist *** I have this on my fridge.

  11. Chalkboard or dry erase board for notes and reminders.

Stay tuned for next week!

Part 4 of the 5 week challenge~

  • I will continue to share tips and ideas on routines and productivity.

    Be sure to sign up for the challenge and invite your friends also.

    You will get some fun freebies and the new email that will be out on TUESDAY’S!

    Be sure to grab your freebie today above~ Tag me when you use it on Instagram so I know you got it… Either Lavished With Love or Frugal Living Network.


    Lisa Hice

Let’s Connect on Social Media!


How to Plan, Be More Productive & Stay Focused!


Week 2: Closet Organization & Fall Shop on a Budget |Home Organization Challenge