Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Power of Prayer


Prayer is an opportunity to pause, slow down and take time to talk with God. It is also a time to lift our hands to Him, rejoice in worship, praise and thanksgiving.  You may be seasoned and knowledgeable on how to pray or maybe you are new to prayer. Either way, prayer is a time and space to freely and openly communicate to God but also to listen to Him.

I have found prayer so helpful as it is a time to share how I am feeling, my thoughts, worries, anxieties, needs/wants and especially times when feeling fearful. When I release all things to God in prayer, I feel a greater sense of peace and joy. Prayer has been an opportunity for me to grow spiritually and also gain a better ability to trust with meeting my needs especially financially.

Today, I encourage you to believe in the power of prayer, that God hears your requests and is faithful in answering. May He bring you comfort and peace especially now during such challenging times for many of us. these difficult times.

Do you take time to pray? What does your prayer life look like? How has it made an impact in your life and given you peace?

Comment Below!

Enjoy these Bible verses for further encouragement!

When we pray, may we wait in expectancy to see how God answers.  

Prayer: Today, I lift up my hands to you God that you will protect, comfort, care and bring peace over all those in this world.  May you reveal to them your presence and your LOVE!  You are a God of healing, and so today I pray that you will heal the sick. Jesus, may you provide for those in need and lift up those who are downcast.  I praise you in advance and thank you that you are a God who sees, knows all, and is trustworthy. We thank you that you are a God of peace and we have a future filled with hope.  Amen!

If you are need of prayer, please feel free to send me a message so I can be lifting you up in prayer. All prayers are confidential.

If you are in need of prayer: You can Message me HERE.

In Love and Blessings,

Lisa Hice

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