2022 SPRING SERIES: Spring Clean on a Budget!

Hello friends,

Can you believe it’s March! Wow! I love this time of year. Longer days, flowers begin to bloom and the excitement of new things to come. What are you looking forward to with expectation as Spring is around the corner?

Do you have exciting and upcoming travel plans? Maybe it is a season of change or a new beginning.

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1

I am starting a little early on my Spring cleaning, organizing and redecorating. Stay tuned over the next several months as I will share some Spring home inspiration.

I thought I would share with you a few of the tips, tricks and resources to help save time and money.

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning on a Budget!~

  1. Utilize a Spring cleaning & organizing checklist

  2. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Do a zone area at a time. Examples: Kitchen, bathrooms, closets, office etc.

  3. Schedule a day or time that works for you.

  4. Set priorities and deadlines for projects.

  5. Budget for replacement items needed.

Steps I take to Spring clean, organize and simplify.

  1. Pick a Zone of the house to focus on; kitchen, pantry, bathrooms, closets, launch pad, living areas, bathrooms and outdoor spaces.

  2. As you begin to clean and declutter create piles: trash, keep, donate or sell. I love using Facebook Buy Nothing and Facebook Marketplace to donate or sell items. Plus, I give to family members or Goodwill.

  3. Reset of the Spring bedding, wash blankets, clean carpets, dust, sweep, mop, vacuum and clean windows.

  4. Reorganize items into baskets, drawers, closets, shelves. etc. I love to use labels for my containers.

  5. Clean Rugs, baseboards, windows and vents.

  6. Redecorate for Spring with fun flowers, decorations and what brings you calm and joy. (To save money, hit up your local thrift stores.

  7. Outdoors: organize, clean and decorate for Spring.

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1

I would love to cheer you on and celebrate your celebrations. Tag me over on Instagram:Frugal Living Network with your before and after pictures and some successes along the way.

Lisa Hice


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