Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Money Mindset: Need Vs Want?

Do you struggle with overspending or impulse buying? If so, friends you are not alone.

I am a saver but also lean toward being a spender. My challenges with overspending are new clothes, make-up, meals out, home decor, and buying fun crafts.

To help me from overspending and going over budget, I have begun asking myself:

DO I NEED THIS OR WANT THIS? For the most part, the answer is I want this. It’s ok to want things but when it becomes an impulse or not in the budget it’s time to take a PAUSE….

What about asking a few questions before purchasing?

Here are a few of my go to questions & tips that have helped me before I BUY!  

  • Do I need this or do I want this?

  • Can I delay purchasing it?

  • Can I pay cash for it?

  • Did I do a little research before purchasing?

  • Check the reviews.

  • Ask friends and family especially on large household items, cars, etc.

  • Wait 24 hours before buying a large purchase or something more extravagant.

  • Eating out and coffee shops are a killer on the budget. It is so easy to say: I want this fun meal out or coffee. Unfortunately, the average cost of meals out are $10-20. A coffee at Starbucks is between $3.00 to 6.00 now. Before I hit the drive-thru or ordering take out, I ask myself do I have food at home that I can eat? Can I prepare something with what I already have in the fridge/pantry? Is it healthy? How will this drive-thru meal make me feel tomorrow? What about making coffee from home?

These are just a helpful frugal living tips that continue to help me and hope they help you also.

What frugal living and budget ideas do you have regarding money? Comment below!


Lisa Hice

Frugal Living Network

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