Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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MONEY MINDSET: How to be a cheerful giver even during difficult times! 

MONEY MINDSET: How to be a cheerful giver even during difficult times! 

Happy Friday,

Hope you had a great week and have fun plans ahead for the weekend!
I can't wait to get outdoors, enjoy some kayaking and time with friends.

In today's video, I am sharing words of encouragement on how to be a cheerful giver even during hard time or when short on cash.  

In case you missed the previous videos on Money Mindset you can watch them below!. 

Money Mindset Series: 3 Steps: How to Overcome Envy & Jealousy to live a more a simple & Joyful Life!

How to Overcome Worry & Fears About Money! Money Mindset! Minimalist & Simple Living:
How to Save Money with a Needs vs Want Mindset? |Personal Finance |Minimalist & Simple Living 

 HERE is Your Free 2 Page Free Printable: Monthly Goals

Book of the Month
: Author: Rachel Cruze Love Your Life Not Theirs: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want

Savings Challenge: Summer Travel Money 

July Healthy Habit: Take Time for Quiet and Alone Time

Coming up soon: Money Mindset: How to deal with Debt! 


Lisa Hice
Frugal Living Network



Lisa Hice

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