12 tips to kick the Winter blues and Increase Energy!

Are you struggling with low energy, sluggish, and those winter blues? If yes, friends you are not alone. This is a tougher season of the year as the holidays are over, shorter days and the colder winter weather is upon us. I do have good news though, thankfully Spring is only 60 days away. Yeah!!! Time change is

In the meantime, I want to share helpful ideas and tips during these last few weeks of winter.

Turn on bright lights in your home: Just by turning on more lights in your home, it gives you more energy.

Exercise: Be sure to get proper daily movement and exercise to reduce stress, boost energy and serotonin levels.

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Eat a healthy diet with foods that include vitamin D & boost energy: These include salmon, eggs, sardines, sweet potatoes, beets, almonds, spinach, lots of greens, dark chocolate, healthy fruits like berries and bananas.

Enjoy Some Warmth: Sit by a fire, enjoy a hot tub/ sauna and get a heated blanket. I just got one the other day and it feels like a bit of heaven.

Listen To Upbeat Music: Music is known to increase joy, energy, give positive vibes, and boosts serotonin. Turn up the music and do a little dance!

Get Fresh Air and Spend Time Outdoors:  Open your blinds and windows if you can to get some fresh air. Take a nature walk, run or some exercise outside. Maybe try a winter sport like snowshoeing, snowboarding, and/or skiing. Just this coming Saturday, I am going to enjoy snowshoeing. I can’t wait! Take walks on your breaks or lunch during daylight hours.

Surround yourself with positive people: Happy people help others feel more upbeat and bring energy.

Take vitamins especially Fish oil and Vitamin D Suggested Vitamin D is 5000 mg.

Manage Screen Time and Unplug: Screen time can increase sources of sadness and depression. Instead try and do something active and creative.

Get The Happy Therapy Light: Check this one out on Amazon.- and by Verilux

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Plan a Vacation: This brings you excitement, hope and something to look forward to. I suggest somewhere warm and sunny! I am planning on going Arizona and that gives me so much joy knowing that is coming up.

Seek Professional Help: If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, and/or suicidal thoughts, I suggest you reach out for help and to see a professional.  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours everyday!

Hope these tips are helpful! Make it a great rest of your week!
I am so excited to share that I will be selling some E-Books! They will include home organization, goal planners, lifestyle health, and financial wellness. Down the road I will be releasing an E-book focused on faith, truths, and practical ways to live confidently and courageously. in times of fears More details to come with release dates!

NEW on the Website: Monthly Challenges!

Check out the Lifestyle & Health Section and the Finance Section on the website! Every month, has a new focus and challenge to encourage and inspire you in these areas!

Plus, I will be sharing devotionals on the new devotionals page to encourage you and help strengthen your faith!

In the mean time, be sure to check out the new free resources section over on my website.

Also, Sharing a new freebie for you to help you for rest of January and rest of 2021! The 12 month goals and Action Planner Printables!

Just Click below and Download!

If you know someone who may benefit from these tips, I invite you to share with others!

Chat soon!

Lisa Hice




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