How can you put your GOALS back into ACTION?

Hello my dear friends!

Wow! It’s January 22ND, where did this month go?

How are your goals and action plan for 2020? Are you feeling on top of the world and hitting great successes? If so, YEAH and CONGRATS!!!


Are you struggling with your goals? Have you felt like giving up on all you want to accomplish for 2020? If so, this is the exact reason I am writing this blog. Unfortunately, by this time in January many people have or want to give up.

I am hear to tell you friends, DON’T GIVE UP OR BE DISCOURAGED!

Even if you have fallen off the wagon with your goals it is not too late. It is time to get you back on track and make 2020 a successful year. May it be a wonderful year of transformation, growth, accomplishments, and JOY!

Goals without a plan or action are just wishful thinking…

Here are a few tips to help you out!

I have created a FREE DOWNLOAD to help you write your goals and have an action plan.

Pink and Gold FIll in the Blanks Goals Interactive Instagram Story.jpg

If you need help writing goals, feel free to refer back to my blog post: How to make goals and make dreams come alive?

Research and make a plan:  It is always good to do your research with your goals or dreams. Take time to educate yourself with what you want to accomplish, do or change. Whether, it’s improving your finances, health, changing jobs, going back to school, making habit changes.

How are you going to accomplish your goals?  What do you need to do to make them happen?  Examples:  Take a class, read a book, meet with a trainer, doctor, nutritionist or even a financial planner.

Do you need to adjust your schedule? Accomplishing a goal or making a change usually takes effort, time, and resources.  Does your schedule need adjusting so you can have time to spend towards your goals? TIPS: Review your current schedule, tasks, and your priorities. It is always a good idea to consult anyone who maybe affected by the schedule change like your spouse and family. Examples: Make a schedule for the gym, pick a day and time to food prep, set a side time to learn, work on finances, volunteer etc.  

Be patient: Take it slow and steady:  So many people set goals in January and want quick fixes. Well I am here to tell you any great accomplishment and goal takes time. The greatest way towards transformation, reaching goals, and dreams is slow and steady.    If you have large scale goals I suggest also breaking them down into smaller ones. Example: You want to lose 25 lbs, then start with a smaller goal like 5 lbs. If you want to save $1000 then start with small goal like $500. As you reach milestones, it brings you positive reinforcement towards your goals.

Create a vision board:  Get creative by purchasing board at the dollar store. Then pull out your magazines, favorite quotes, sayings, bible verses, and pictures etc.  Post on your vision board symbols or pictures of what your you have for your goals, dreams and what you want to do or accomplish in 2020! Examples: Put up a house, car if you want to purchase or pay down debt.  If you want to lose weight add a picture of weights or healthy foods. Hope you have fun creating your vision board.

Who is going to keep you motivated and accountable? Do you have a mentor or person in your life that you meet with? Ask a family member, friend, coach, pastor, mentor, supervisor, etc to keep you accountable in 2020. Pick someone you who is wise, knowledgeable, trustworthy, and have gone before you and learned by experience.  Set time aside monthly or quarterly to do check-ins. 

Enjoy the process and think positive.  It’s not always the end result, but it’s the process in the making.  It is so important to keep hope alive for your dreams, visions, projects, and goals.  Especially if they take longer than they expect.  Mindset is everything! Surround yourself with people that are positive, uplifting, and whom will continue to motivate you. If you struggle to reach a goal or its delayed be sure not to give up! Some of the most successful individuals like Abraham Lincoln and Bill Gates challenged on the first couple tries.  Every failure or challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.  Get back up, try again, and press forward.

I would love to hear what your goals are for 2020!

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your 2020 goals are.

Sharing is caring to feel free share this post with others.


Lisa Hice


Trust vs Fear in Decision Making!


How to Make Goals and Dreams Come Alive!