Tips and Reasons to Start Saving For Christmas NOW!


Hi friends,

Did you know Christmas is a little over seven months away? Yes, it is! So, that means we need to begin thinking about Christmas budgets and saving now!  

I know it's not December but we need to start saving and begin thinking ahead of how we are going to budget and plan for those Christmas gifts, parties, cards, pictures and more…

Do you guys have a Christmas savings account?

What do you typically budget a year for Christmas?

I started this tradition several years ago of saving monthly for Christmas. What a game changer come November and December as it has helped me to be less stressed and frantic regarding how am I going to come up with the funds needed for Christmas.

If you haven’t done so, I encourage you to set a budget and begin setting money aside now for all the fun traditions, presents and events.  

How to begin:

Start thinking of a budget & create one!

DON’T FORGET!: Christmas cards, events, parties, work employees, family/friends gifts, décor and more.

How much do you want to spend?

Who do you want or need to buy for?

Money Saving Tips:

·         What ways can you cut back on spending so you can save for Christmas?

·         Reduce eating out, coffees etc.

·         Use bottle return money for Christmas.  (I got this trick from a coaching client and loved it so I am doing it this year)

Set money aside in a savings account or cash envelope.

I have included one that I use and love.  You can get it for .99 Cents on sale over on my Etsy Shop.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition or event?

What do you want to do this next Christmas season with those whom you love?

Last year was a funky one so let’s make this year an AMAZING one!

Don’t forget to Subscribe to the Newsletter if you have not done so!

Talk to you soon!


Lisa Hice

Follow on Social Media and the Frugal Living Network YouTube Channel!~


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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


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