Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Finding Calm in the Financial Storm! Part 2


YOUR FINANCES: Finding Calm in the Financial Storm Part 1
For anyone who struggles with trust, a broken past or even wrestle with doubts about God, I want to encourage you.  I also want to share what has helped me to grow spiritually especially when it comes to trusting God with my finances.

Trust in Him at all time, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalms 62:8

Having gone from a six-figure income to a much lower income working in health care and ministry, I have had to put my trust fully in God to provide for me.  It has been a very humbling experience.  I was used to being in control and able to fully provide for myself, but the tables turned.  I have gone from shopping at Nordstrom and buying what I want to frugal living, thrift shopping, save up for what I want and in some cases even receiving help from others.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  Philippians 4:1


Several years back, I began something that has been really helpful.  It is a prayer and thanksgiving journal. The first part of the month, I write out a prayer list that includes anything from financial needs, wants, and prayers for myself, family, friends, co-workers and all the situations happening throughout the world.  By doing this, I have witnessed God provide not only for myself and others, I have even seen miracles happen.  I believe fully in the power of prayer and have experienced the unthinkable happen when it comes to providing for needs in many situations. It has been a great way for me to trust God with
my needs and others. When the storms or waves of anxiety try to knock me down, I reflect back on how God has been faithful and trustworthy in the past.  It brings me back to a heart and mindset of gratitude, peace, and calm.


It is a CHOICE to either respond with anxiety and fear or CHOOSE  to have faith and confidence in a trustworthy God to provide for you. Having a positive mindset about the situation and the future makes a big difference. Our thinking influences our health and stress levels.  If we choose fear and worry it is a lot like being on a hamster wheel where you just keep spinning and don’t really go anywhere. 
It is time to hop off that hamster wheel and begin taking things one step at a time.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Instead of anxious thoughts, be filled with His peace! Philippians 4:8-9.

Managing Anxiety: If you are struggling with anxiety, talk to a counselor, doctor, pastor, mentor or someone you trust. Focus on taking deep breaths.  Yoga and breathing exercises are helpful ways to reduce anxiety. Keep to a routine if possible. Get enough sleep! Reduce caffeine, eat healthy foods, and stay active by exercising. If you can, get outdoors and in nature.  If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. Call the Suicide Hotline or go to your local ER.   1-800-273-8255

Meditate on Bible verses or read books focused on faith, trust, peace and finances. *** I added a ton at the bottom.    


  • Ask and Seek Help: Be willing to reach out to financial advisors, financial coaches, family, friends, churches, local food banks, government agencies and your social circles for help.

  • Contact me for Financial Coaching: I am now taking on new clients for financial coaching to help you set a budget, create financial goals, accountability and helping you toward financial wellness.

  • Keep to the basic needs: Health, Shelter, Food, Clothing and Transportation! Think need vs want with making purchases!

  • Food prep and eat from home instead of take out food. This saves a ton of money.

  • Create and utilize a monthly budget!

  • Check Out all the Financial Resources and Workbooks over at FrugalLivingNetwork Etsy Store!

  • Set financial goals which reduces spending.

  • Check out Dave Ramsey- He has a ton of resources including budget forms, online platform for money management, great ideas, books and a class called Financial Peace which I took and was a life changer for me.

  • Use your emergency fund but only for true emergencies. These include major needs like loss of income, auto and home repairs, medical etc. Sorry guys, it’s not for that that new sweater or lipstick you want. :)

  • If you don’t have an emergency fund and you are working, it is wise to begin building one.   Many are using the stimulus checks to build emergency funds, pay off debt, and also to help others out that are in need.

  • Banks and financial institutions want to work with you.  Reach out to your bank, a financial counselor, credit card and mortgage lenders, student loan companies and financial institutions. With my 14 years’ experience working in finance, banks and institutions have very creative ways to help clients during financial difficulties.
    Just call them and ask for help!  Sometimes FEAR can hold people back from calling but just call them. If you are deep in debt with lenders, credit cards companies, hospital bills, and even the IRS, contact them. Many are willing to work with you. Most companies work with people regarding interest charges, fees, will set up payment plans and make financial arrangements. Each bank or institution is different so do seek them for full advice and information.

  • CALL 211 or check out the website for resources·   

  • Reach out to your public utilities and cell phone companies- Many companies are waiving late fees or actually not shutting off utilities. They can work with you. It is key though to reach out and talk to them.

  • Be cautious right now of Identity theft as it is on the rise. Check out my Blog: Identity Theft and Prevention!

  • DON’T: take out pay day loans, or advances in paychecks, etc. You will have to so much in interest. Don’t use credit cards or lines of credit cards unnecessarily or borrow more than you know you can’t payback.

  • Check out Facebook Buy Nothing Groups. These are in your local area and by Zip Code. This is a great resource of exchanging items in need for free.

PRAYER: God I pray for those who are going through difficult times, grief, and financial challenges. Come near to them and bring them comfort. Provide for those that are in need and open doors for work when the time is right.  I pray that you will do miracles and bring peace and healing to those that are struggling with depression, loss, and anxiety Amen.


1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 14:13-21, Psalms 55:22

Proverbs 3:5-7 Philippians 4:4-9,  2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Great Songs to listen to

Miracles by Jesus Culture

WayMaker : Jeremy Riddle and Steffany Gretzinger


The Power of Praying Through Fear by Stormie Omartian

Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey

Randy Alcorn Managing God’s Money

Unshakeable Trust by Joyce Meyer

Anxious For Nothing-Max Lucado

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