Why to Budget for your Pets!

Why to Budget for your Pets…

Dog or cat, bunny or fish? Do you have animals and cuddly pets you adore? If so, here are a few helpful financial and budget tips for your pets.

Let me first begin by sharing a quick story…

A few years back, while my sweet and cuddly cat Zoey was playing in the yard, she ate a

plant. Within a short time, she began getting sick and throwing up. I first took her to the vet where they said she would be fine. After a few days, I knew something was wrong. I took Zoey to the emergency animal hospital. They found she had a 105-degree temperature, needed fluids and also, antibiotics.

I truly thought I would lose her and was willing to pay what was needed. Thankfully, her fever finally dropped and she began feeling better within a few days. That week, the bills between vet visit, emergency hospital and meds added up over $800.00. Thankfully, this very stressful situation was not quite so stressful when it came to the financial part. I had money in my emergency fund so this allowed me to pay cash for the bill instead of using a credit card or needing to apply for one.

Personally, I got rid of credit cards several years ago and believe that was the best decision for me.

So let me ask you: Do you have money set aside for your pets in case of an emergency, illness, or needed medications?


  •  Have an emergency fund or a dedicated fund for your pets.

  • Set aside funds in your monthly budget. Personally, I have 2 itemized sections:

    1: Pet emergencies

    2. Monthly expenses for food, litter and flea medicine.

  • To save money on grooming, I cut my cat’s own nails. (I just purchased nail

    clippers for less than $10 dollars.)

  • Utilize coupons and store rewards on pet food and supplies.

  • Buy food and cat litter in bulk as this saves you money.

If interested in the budget form I use, check it out over on Etsy Shop: Frugal Living Network

What tips do you have to save money on your pets? I would love to hear from you!


Lisa Hice

Follow on Social Media and the Frugal Living Network YouTube Channel!~


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