Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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Join the 2021 8 Week Reset Challenge!

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So, 2021 is just a few days away and I don't about you but I am so ready to let go of 2020 and begin the new year. I bet you are also.

With that, I am so excited to announce the 2021 Reset Challenge that begins this Friday January 1st. You may have heard a little or seen some information if you follow along on social media.

So, what is this 8 week challenge?
It is an 8 week challenge focusing on different areas of our life the home, goals, healthy habits, our finances, health, and even our mindset. I know I need this for sure. Are you in it with me?

I invite you to join myself and invite a friend along to make 2021 the best year ever.

So how does it work? Great question!

Every Friday, you will get an email with the challenge of the week including a the certain focus. Below shows each week the different areas we will touch on. I will be sending out inspirations, tips, checklists, goals worksheets, resources, a video maybe and freebies to help you along with this challenge.

Here is the Weekly Challenge Schedule!

Week 1 & 2: Home Organization

Week 3: Goals

Week 4: Habits/Health

Week 5 & 6: Finances and Budgets

Week 7 and 8: Mindset and Truths

*****Every Friday, you will get an email with the challenge of the week including some helpful ideas, tips, resources and freebies to help you along. 

Here’s what to do to join and get prepared for the 2021 Reset Challenge!

1.  Print out the Weekly Reset Challenge Schedule.

2.   The goal of this reset challenge is to begin fresh, get organized, create new goals, habits, financial wellness and have a positive and courageous mindset.

3.   Subscribe to the newsletter and blog (to get the Friday emails that will include the weekly challenges, videos, tips, freebies and more in your inbox). Check your promotions and spam folder!  Add as a safe email.  Email will be from Lisa Hice

4.   Follow along on YouTube Channel, Instagram,  Facebook or encouragement, daily inspiration and videos. My user name is @FrugalLivingNetwork.

5.   I invite you to share this 2021 Reset Challenge on your social media, so your friends can join you, cheer you on and help keep you accountable towards your goals and habits.

6. Then share your progress, goals, and habits you create with us. Tag me @frugallivingnetwork in all of your posts and use the hash tag #FLNreset2021challenge.

*****Be sure to join my newsletter email list, so you don’t miss anything. Together, let’s make 2021 the best year yet!

Are you in? Send me a comment or message me, comment on the social media posts so I know you are joining. I want to cheer you on friends!

I can’t wait to get started with all of you! 

Coming up next will be your first challenge email on Friday January 1st.

Lisa Hice

Frugal Living Network

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