Lisa Hice | Pause, Pray & Simplicity

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How to Make Goals and Dreams Come Alive!

Happy New Year to my family and friends!

Goodbye 2019 and welcome 2020!

It is time for new beginnings, chapters, habits and dreams to be full-filled.

I love this time of year as it's a time to reflect and think about the past year but also the future and goals. As you ponder 2019, what stands out as highlights?  Are there moments of joy, challenges, change, endings and new beginnings?  What did you do well or accomplish last year?  Did you go on that dream trip? Did you save money, pay off debt or hit that health goal?

Now, as you begin to think about 2020, what goals, hopes, dreams, and desires do you have for this next year? 

Here are a few tips, steps and ideas to help you get started with goal writing!

REST Before writing your goals and thinking so much about the future take time to rest. The holidays are a busy time of a year with to-do lists, travels, heavy foods, family and parties. Allow yourself time to slow down, unplug, be still, sleep, and relax.  Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Matthew  28:11 NIV.


As you do this, think about all areas of Life.

Spiritual ~ Family~Health ~ Financial ~ Work ~ Fun ~ Travel~ Mental/Emotional ~Relational~


What do you want to accomplish in 2020 and into your future?  It is wise to think ahead 5 even 10 years from now as future goals can help us generate current goals.

What excites you and brings you hope for 2020?  Where do you want to go or do? How do you want to grow and change? What do you want to learn? A new hobby? Pay off debt? Save for retirement? Travel? Get stronger physically? Eat healthier? Increase endurance?  Rest more? Slow down? Be present or even unplug from the internet more? Go back to school? Change jobs? Date? Get Married? Have a baby? Buy a house?

Take time to ponder and write out what you want your 2020 to look like.

Pray and Seek Wisdom: As you are making goals it is wise to ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and direction on what and where He is leading you in 2020. “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NIV    It is also wise to meet with your spouse, family, and anyone who may affect or be affected by your goal making.

USE SMART TOOL:   Ask yourself are they?

        S- SPECIFIC Don’t be vague with goals be specific with with your goal.

        M-MEASURABLE How can you track and measure these goals?

  A-ATTAINABLE Can these goals actually happen and be attained?

R-RELEVANT Is the goal relevant for what you want to accomplish.

      T-TIME It is good to add certain time frame around your goals for when you want them to happen by.

Accountability and Check-ins:  Now that you have goals put them in writing and read daily or weekly as this helps you stay motivated. Seek an accountability partner like your spouse, family member, mentor, pastor, supervisor or friend. Someone who can keep you focused on your goals, ask you questions, and keep you driven through-out the year. Do monthly, quarterly, and/or semi-year check-in.  Through out the year evaluate how you are doing. You may need to adjust your goals, subtract or add different ones.

Celebrate: As you accomplish and reach goals, take time to rejoice and celebrate.  You decide on how you want to celebrate. Yeah!!!

It is my prayer that this next year be your best yet. May God continue to do a great work in you and through you in 2020!

Proverbs 16:11, Psalm 32:8, Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 28:11

Happy New Year!~

 Lisa Hice